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Behind The Chair

Behind The Chair

“ My biological father is from Nigeria, a college department chairperson, author, and a pastor and I have never spoke to nor met him a day in my life”  ~Diana

These are the kinds of things I ended up processing in therapy that wasn’t even the reason why I was there in the first place, but you quickly realize that every part of your life is connected from one phase to the next.

This is #behindthechairstories

When I started the product side of the Color + Blow brand, the goal was to create amazing products that promote healthy color treated hair, but the mission developed into something much greater. The mission is to support initiatives that focus on overall personal wellness and self care. Being a hairstylist has led me to connect with many people and the salon experience is more than a hairstyle but for many it may be the only time they actually have in-depth conversations. The amount of people who can benefit from the conversations, breakthroughs, and resources shared during a salon visit is way larger than I could ever personally meet in one on one interactions, so while a person may never be able to actually sit in my chair they can surely have an experience with me through my product brand. I decided to do this series called #behindthechairstories that will ultimately result in a collection of resources shared that people have used to help themselves along life’s journey. I couldn’t think of a better way to kick off this series of stories than to start with a part of my own. (to all my clients don’t be nervous, lol. I’ll only be sharing stories of people who submit them. I wouldn't tell y'all business like that)

Now let’s get back to the story…When I experienced first hand a biological parent not wanting to be involved in my life at all, I couldn’t really put it into words at the time, but I would call the feelings rejection and hurt. It’s ironic how you can find yourself being upset with God for certain circumstances then also loving God for others. I just couldn’t understand how God could seemingly elevate a person so much who isn’t taking care of one of his biggest blessings (their child). The next phase of my life I called GOD + THERAPY, a beautiful journey of self awareness.

If you’re on our email list, you’ll get the full story 🙂

If you are interested in sharing your own story please send an email to contact@colorandblow.com with the subject line #behindthechairstories.

Love y’all,


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